Activity Improvement

We've improved the Activity feature by adding more events that label an engineer as active.

We are now looking at Commits, Pull Requests, Pull Requests Comments/ Reviews, Tickets, and Ticket Comments.

NEW: Team Settings

Team Settings enable users to assign settings for a particular team. With the Team Settings you can:

  • Ignore commits based on a message (This is based on a regex. ex: /\bweb\b/i, result: all this team's commits that have a message which contains the word "web" will be ignored)
  • Ignore commits based on LoC (By default, we ignore commits with more than 8,000 LoC. Insert a positive integer to ignore this team's commits that have more LoC than the positive integer selected.)
  • Include merges into reports (By default, we don't include merges into reports, except for the Work Log. If you insert 'yes', we will include merges into this team's reports.)
  • Select the stats timezone (By default, we display stats according to the local time of execution. ex. If you are located in Los Angeles (PDT) and you have a team located in Chicago (CDT), selecting the PDT timezone for the team located in Chicago will convert that team's stats to the PDT timezone.)

You can assign team settings for both existing and new teams.

Assigning team settings for existing teams 

Step 1: Navigate to the Engineers page, in the Project section.

Step 2: Select a team from the team list, and then click Edit on the right side of the page.

Step 3: In the modal, select Settings. Insert the values you want to assign, and click Update.

Assigning team settings for new teams 

Step 1: Navigate to the Engineers page, in the Project section.

Step 2: Click Create new team.

Step 3: In the modal insert the team name and description. Then, click Settings. Insert the values you want to assign, and click Create.

Work Log improvements

You can now navigate to an engineer's Developer Summary profile by clicking on their name & avatar in the Work Log.

You can now access your commit in the Git provider by clicking the 'Go to Commit' button in the zoomed-in view of the Work Log.

Additional customization settings, Hide weekend days

Additional customization settings

You can set a new stats timezone and all the stats will be converted according to the selected timezone. For example, if you select UTC, all the stats will be converted according to the UTC timezone. 

If you select Local, commit stats will be converted according to the local time of execution, and pull requests will be converted to the UTC timezone. 

If you select Custom, you will be able to select any timezone from the drop-down. 

By default, commits are displayed according to the local time of execution, and pull requests are displayed according to the UTC timezone. You can find this feature in the Settings page, under the Project submenu.

Hide weekend days

You can now hide weekend days from the Work Log by toggling on the Disable Weekends checkbox.

Additional Settings customization

We would like to introduce more customization options on our Settings page:

Manual cloning process – Start cloning the data whenever you want

Ignored Commits Based on Message content

You can set a custom regex to ignore commits with a message that matches the regex you set. For example, if you set the setting to "/\bweb\b/i", Waydev will ignore all the commits which contain the word "web" in the commit message.

Choose the hour to start processing the data

Include merges into reports - By default, we don't include merges into our reports, but if you want to see them, you can toggle including merges on.

Ignore commits with more LoC - By default, we ignore commits with more than 8000 LoC, but if you want to change this number, you can do it from the Settings page.

March Updates: Settings page, Auto-merge, Multiple integrations

Settings Page

Custom Churn time: now you can adjust the time frame for Churn code, Legacy Refactor & Helping Others according to your sprint duration. It's set as default for 21 days, but if your sprints are not two weeks long, you can set a custom time frame from the settings page. 

Ignore custom extensions: Some companies have custom extensions in their work, now you can also select which extensions you want Waydev to ignore when analyzing your codebase.


We've worked on an Auto-merge tool to save you from the pain of looking through an entire list of engineers. It automatically compares your engineers' profiles and prompts you to confirm a merge between two profiles of the same engineer.

Multiple integrations

For better usability, we've split our Integrations page into two different pages. Now you can connect with more accounts from the same Git provider on the Integrations page.

Impact changes

We improved the way users view the Impact so it translates better into business value. Total Impact is now displayed as an Impact average of the active days. Engineers' Impact is now displayed as a multiple of the average Impact.

Therefore, the average will be 1x, and everything higher or lower will be displayed as a multiple:

  • 1.6x = 60% higher than average
  • 0.4x = 60% lower than average

More stats in the API

We added more data to be pulled through our API: Throughput and Productive Throughput.